Ensa passed successfully the final inspection of the mock up scale sectors of the Vacuum Vessel of ITER

The result was satisfactory, achieving the contractual milestone. The client congratulated Ensa «for the good work made» and «for the great quality of the model».

The structure is composed by 6 independent assemblies which, once assembled, will represent the 2-section joint of the ITER Vacuum Vessel.

The model is a part of a wide range of equipment and structures whose objective is the qualification of equipment developed for the installation of the Vacuum Vessel to be carried out in Cadarache .

Ensa completed the installation of the Aeroball Measurement System Shielding (AMS)

Ensa completed the installation of the AMS that «is a great achievement to allow its implementation.»

The AMS allows a safe control of the fuel elements during the operation and Ensa has been responsible for making the shield to contain and prevent any neutron radiation or gamma rays coming from the reactor pressure vessel, so that, if it were necessary, personnel could access the AMS room during the operation of the plant.

The shielding of the AMS consists of a protected stainless steel structure which, due to its final position and very tight tolerances, involved special attention during manufacture, factory acceptance tests and installation phases.

Ensa loaded successfully the last two DPT casks at Trillo Nuclear Power Plant

Ensa completed successfully the loading of the last two DPT casks for the storage and transportation of spent fuel manufactured for Trillo Nuclear Power Plant in Guadalajara.

With the delivery of these two units, numbers 31 and 32, Ensa completes a series that began in year 2001. The DPT model was the first cask designed entirely by the Spanish company that nowadays focuses its future on the new ENUN series of the universal cask model.

Ensa delivers the «Tritiated Water System»: first European components to be delivered to ITER

Equipos Nucleares, SA was awarded of the final project, manufacturing and delivery of four tanks for the Water Detritiation System of the ITER project, after undergoing a contracting process launched by Fusion for Energy , an European organism that manages Europe’s contribution to ITER.

With this new contract, Ensa is consolidated as one of the main European manufacturers of components for large scientific facilities such as ITER.

In March 2015, the tanks manufactured by Ensa for the «Tritiated Water System» were the first components of Europe to be delivered to ITER.

Ensa to manufacture four tanks for ITER’s Water Detritiation System

Maliaño, December the 7th of 2016. – Equipos Nucleares, SA has been awarded the contract for the final design, manufacture and delivery of four tanks of the Water Detritiation System of the ITER project: two High Level Holding Tanks and  two Feeding Tanks.

The company located in Cantabria has signed this contract after undergoing a procurement process launched by Fusion for Energy , the EU body managing Europe’s contribution to ITER.

With this new contract, Ensa is consolidated as one of the main European manufacturers of components for large scientific facilities such as ITER.

The high quality of its components, the fulfillment of delivery time, the commitment to innovation and the technological development of the company located in Cantabria have been decisive for this award.

In March 2015, the tanks manufactured by ENSA for the Tritiated Water System, were Europe’s first-ever components to be delivered on the ITER worksite- one of the most important civil engineering platforms today.

The objective of ITER is to test the viability of fusion energy as a sustainable energy source, prior to the construction of a commercial demonstration facility.

Fusion for Energy

 Is the European Union’s organisation for Europe’s contribution to ITER.  One of the main tasks of F4E is to work together with European industry, SMEs and research organisations to develop and provide a wide range of high technology components together with engineering, maintenance and support services for the ITER project.

F4E supports fusion R&D initiatives through the Broader Approach Agreement signed with Japan and prepares for the construction of demonstration fusion reactors . F4E was created by a decision of the Council of the European Union as an independent legal entity and was established in April 2007 for a period of 35 years. Its offices are in Barcelona, Spain.


The Nuclear Spanish Group for the Cooperation took part in the International Youth Nuclear Congress in Hangzhou, China

Maliaño, 11th August.- The consortium of the Nuclear Spanish Group for the Cooperation that Ensa belongs, took part from 24th to 30th of July in the International Youth Nuclear Congress celebrated in Hangzhou, China.

During the presentation of the different Stands, the SNGC had the opportunity to present his capacities, services and products to the different representatives and authorities participants in the event, as well as of giving information to all his assistants.

Alejandro Palacio and Alberto Gonzalez were the professional young persons who represented Ensa in the SNGC in China.

In the session of opening they took part: the president of State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation , the vice-presidents of Nuclear China E&C Group , CGN Power Co, Ldt, Shanghai Electric Group Company and Dongfang Electric Company and the chief of engineering of China National Nuclear Corporation .

The Congress possessed the presence of the Authority of Atomic power of China and of representatives of the Government of the province of Zhejiang, of the National Administration of the Energy and of the State Agency of Nuclear Security.

The IYNC assembled in China more than 400 professional young people and students proceeding from 30 different countries, as well as to several of the principal companies of the nuclear sector.

Ensa delivered successfully three steam generators and one reactor vessel cover head for Beaver Valley’s plant in Pennsylvania

Maliaño, 3rd August.- Three steam generators and one reactor vessel cover head for Beaver Valley’s plant in Pennsylvania, USA, were reached his destination and were delivered in the plant of storage on 24th July.

The Cantabrian Company studied and prepared the maritime transport as the terrestrial inside the plant; it was invested almost half year and that has served to assure that the pieces should come in mint condition. The project was concluding successfully.

High degree of satisfaction

The clients, FENOC and Westinghouse, indicate to Ensa “his high degree of satisfaction with the final product. They emphasized that Maliaño’s company “has been capable of doing the things well to the first one from the beginning up to the end «.

The Ensa responsible of the project indicated that «the delivery has been realized expiring, once again, with the high levels of excellence that from Ensa we demand from ourselves in all our works, but it would have been difficult to culminate this one without a work well done totally in equipment», they concluded.

Ensa obtains a new patent!

Maliaño, 13rd June.- The Spanish Office of Patents and Brands has granted the patent to the design and development of the “Tool to move nuclear spent fuel inside the cells of a swimming pool of storage «.

The tool allows the access to the elements of fuel that are out of reach for the vertical hook of 2º crane, allowing the operations of hooked and unhooked elements of spent fuel, independently of the position that that this one occupies in the swimming pool of storage.

Pioneers in whole Europe for justified calibration for welding machines!

Maliaño, 1st June.- Ensa has received from ENAC the recognition according to ISO 17025 that he accredits to Metrology’s Electrical Laboratory, located in Ensa’s Advanced Technological Center, the calibration of power of welding machines sources.

Thanks to the technical efforts of the Metrology’s Laboratory team, a pioneering accreditation has been obtained in Spain and in the whole of Europe.

Ensa participates in the 1st collaboration meeting ITER project in Korea

Maliaño, 21st April.- Because of the realization of the collaboration meeting of all the participants of the “Vacuum Vessel” construction project of ITER, which was celebrated in early April in South Korea , Ensa was invited to be responsible of the vacuum vessel. In addition there was the opportunity to visit the facilities of K-Start, which is one of the last fusion reactors launched in magnetic confinement, and the installations of Hyundai Heavy Industries, of which they fabricate 2 of the 9 sectors.

This has been the first meeting that has managed to contact with all the involved parts, ITER Organization, the national agencies and the subcontractors, with the main objective that the information will be more fluid and shared between all the parts.