The ITER Organization chooses Ensa to share the progress of the project
Representatives of several companies involved in the manufacturing of the components that will constitute the Vacuum Vessel of the ITER Project have met these days at the facilities of Ensa to share the last advances in the experimental fusion reactor.
During the meeting various presentations of the general status of each project have been done and the cantabrian company carried out a presentation of their advances since 2012 and showed the results and conclusions obtained with each mock-up performed, as it has done welding work in various structures and mockups to look for the best parameters and configurations for the welds that will be carried out in Cadarache.
For Ensa, company in charge of welding the segments and ports that are being manufactured for the Vacuum Vessel of ITER, this encounter has resulted “truly fruitful”, since it has allowed them to know other points of view that help to deepen the development of different systems to be able to assemble the components manufactured by the companies attending the meeting.