Ensa participated in the third edition of the World Nuclear Exhibition 2018

The company signed a collaboration agreement with Nuclep

Maliaño, July 17, 2018.- Nuclear Teams S.A., S.M.E participated in the third edition of the World Nuclear Exhibition 2018 held in Paris, the most important meeting of the nuclear industry of the future.

The Cantabrian company, with its subsidiary Enwesa, was able to show its capabilities and products and the new technologies they are developing. In addition, they took advantage of this meeting to strengthen ties, exchange experiences and good practices with suppliers, customers and other companies, as well as to establish new collaborations that can be useful to access new market niches.

During the WNE, Ensa had the opportunity to sign a collaboration agreement with Nuclep, a Brazilian component manufacturer which it has a very close relationship for many years, among many other interviews with clients and strategic partners. This agreement will serve as a base for future collaborations between the two companies, both in the Brazilian market, and in the rest of South America.

The WNE 2018 brought together 750 exhibitors, a large number of SMEs, ETIs and startups and more than 20,000 participants from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, America and Russia over the 3 days the fair was celebrated.

Companies of the Future Program: CINC (Cluster of the Nuclear Industry of Cantabria)

“Popular TV” broadcasted a program dedicated to the CINC sponsored by SODERCAN

The program talked about the history of the Cluster since its foundation in 2013. María Vega, president of CINC and director of Business Development of Ensa – company which leads this business conglomerate – explains the value of clusters in the international market as vehicle to strengthen ties and foster synergies, in this case within the nuclear industry.

In addition to Maria’s intervention, the program includes the participation of Sergio Gómez, vice president of CINC and responsible for Nuclear and Manufacturing ENWESA and Beatriz San Cristobal, secretary of CINC and director of Projects and Technological Development CTC.

To know more about the Cluster, you can access the following direct link to the video: vimeo.com/278993506

On July 9 starts a new edition of «Nuclear Engineering» course, organized by CINC and Nuclear Forum UC-Empresa

Among others, companies that participate are Ensa, Enwesa, Enresa, Nuclenor, CTC and Jóvenes Nucleares,

Maliaño, July 5, 2018.- The Cluster of the Nuclear Industry of Cantabria and UC-Company Forum organize a new edition of the summer course «Nuclear Engineering» to be held from 9th  to 13th  July in the main hall of the Law Faculty of the Cantabria University .

In this edition, new topics will be addressed related to the emerging sector of fusion technology and will be discussed the scientific and technological needs that its development demands. Also, technical aspects of activities related to the storage of spent fuel and individualized and centralized temporary warehouses will also be introduced.

The main goal of this course is to spread the know-how of the industry.

The course has the participation of Equipos Nucleares SA, SME , Enwesa Operaciones SA, SME, Enresa, Nuclenor, Technological Center of Components , Jóvenes Nucleares, Computer Consulting Cantabria , INGECID and Environmental Measures SL, and is under the direction of Ángel Mañanes and Sergio Cicero, professors of the UC.

More information on the web: www.cursosdeveranoydeextensionuc.es

Water tanks to quench the thirst of ITER

Maliaño, 4th of July 2018.- Equipos Nucleares S.A., S.M.E

Four more water detritiation tanks have been delivered to ITER as part of its fuel cycle system. The components resulted from a contract signed between F4E and Equipos Nucleares, SA in order to design, manufacture and deliver them to the site of the project in Cadarche. Works for their fabrication lasted approximately two years.

Two tanks measuring 7 m3, known as «holding tanks», will be used to store water. The two additional tanks, measuring 12 m3, known as «feeding tanks», will be used to feed the fuel cycle system with tritiated water. The four tanks will be installed next to the six water detritiation tanks, also manufactured by Ensa, which have been on-site since March 2015, claiming the title of Europe’s first-ever components delivered to ITER. The biggest fusion device will count ten of these tanks in total in order to cater for the needs of its fuel cycle.

Why do we need a water detritiation system in the ITER Tritium plant?  The answer is simple: because we need to recover the fuel to use it again so as to trigger off a new fusion reaction. Here is how it works in few simple steps: first, the two hydrogen isotopes are supplied to the machine through the Tritium plant; second, when the two isotopes reach the core of the machine they are heated at extremely high temperatures in order to fuse and to release energy; then, the fuel left from the fusion reaction, together with other gases, return through pumps to the ITER Tritium plant in order to recover the tritium and use it in a future reaction.

Sofía Corino, Ensa Special Projects Manager, Business Development Area said, «Ensa, in cooperation with its subsidiary, ENWESA, has been responsible for the design and manufacturing of the four additional water detritiation tanks which will be part of ITER’s fuel cycle system. The expertise and commitment to innovation of Ensa have been decisive to consolidate it as one of the leading European manufacturers of components for the biggest fusion energy project.»

Ensa will manufacture several components for the nuclear power plant Hinkley Point C in the UK

Maliaño, 5th of June, 2018.- Equipos Nucleares SA, SME has recently been awarded with a contract to manufacture two pressurizers for Framatome, rank one supplier for the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant . The Spanish company is also in charge of the design, production and supply of different embedded tanks, for the two units of the British NPP. Each unit contains: a pressurized tank, a tank for the reactor cooling system and another for volume control, as well as four accumulators plus two rings for the support and settlement of the reactor vessel.

This contract culminates a commercial phase in which Ensa has overcome numerous challenges, developing value propositions that have allowed Ensa to differentiate itself from a tough competition until finally being awarded with these projects. This is an important milestone for Ensa  in manufacturing nuclear components in the global market for NPPS: Supplying these components in the UK is a strong support to Ensa’s trajectory, characterized by being a multi-system manufacturer, with different products, by its internationalization, as well as by its extensive experience, that allows Ensa to offer customized services adapted to each costumer and situation.

Hinkley Point C , currently under construction, has a projected life of sixty years and is currently a leading project and international reference in the nuclear field and one of the most relevant currently in the western countries.

Ensa performs a development in the welding system with pulsed current

The Automatic department belonging to the Advanced Technology Center of Equipos Nucleares SA, SME has designed and integrated the automatic welding controllers to the pulsed current welding systems of commercial welding equipment used in manufacturing.

This system allows pulsed arc welding by varying the intensity of the current between a base value and a peak value with which benefits are obtained in thermal regulation, and in the use of welding material.

The new development makes pulsed current welding compatible with the welding sources used in Ensa for existing automatic welding systems through the integration of new electronic designs. In this way, the welding parameters are optimized through the control of the electromechanical elements of the welding head.

Ensa obtains the transport license of a cask for high-burnup fuel in China

Equipos Nucleares SA, SME has received the approval from the Chinese Safety Council for   a Certificate of Compliance of its ENUN 24P container, for the transportation of high-grade fuel . This is an important success for the Cantabrian company, which becomes one of the few companies with a cask able to transport high-burnup fuel.

URC requested Ensa to design, manufacture and supply a cask for the transportation of high-burnup fuel in P.R. China. The cask design was initially licensed in Spain, by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council and is now approved by the Chinese Nuclear Regulatory Authority . This allows URC to  safely transport high-burnup fuel in Chinese territory.

The licensing achievement of the ENUN 24P in Spain was an important step forward for the Spanish industry, since it has been the first container approved  in Spain that allows the direct transport of high-burnup fuel. The ENUN 24P allows the transport of up to 24 spent fuel elements of PWR type by road, rail and sea.

With this new achievement, the ENUN 24P completes the number of containers already licensed by Ensa, adding to the ENUN 32P and the ENUN 52B.


Ensa nominated by the Department of Energy of the United States for its R & D project on vibrations of ENUN 32P

Equipos Nucleares SA, SME , together Enresa, Enusa, the North American laboratories; Sandia National Laboratories and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and several organizations of South Korea , have been nominated for the «Secretary’s Honor Awards – Achievement Award» granted by the Department of Energy of the United States for its project to test the behavior of spent fuel during transportation through different means , carried out with Ensa´s design; the ENUN 32P cask.

To answer the question of whether it is possible a safely transport of spent nuclear fuel in the United States, SNL led this international team for 8 months and more than 9,000 miles to quantify the accelerations and vibrations experienced by fuel rods under normal transportation by rail, ship and road.

The analysis of the collected data revealed that the accelerations experienced by the fuel when it is transported in the ENUN 32P cask and the deformations suffered by the rods are well below the failure limits, ensuring that it maintains its integrity during normal transport conditions.

The «Secretary’s Honor Awards – Achievement Award» recognizes the extraordinary service and contributions of DOE employees for the benefit of the American nation and represents the highest internal non-monetary recognition they can receive.


50 American media broadcast these tests

More than fifty American digital media broadcast the tests carried out by Sandia National Laboratories to study the behavior during transportation of fuel elements in the dual purpose – storage and transport – ENUN 32P cask , designed and manufactured by Equipos Nucleares SA, SME .

Albuquerque Journal, Washington Times, The State, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Times, Miami Herald, Occupational Health and Safety Online, Environmental Protection Online, Engineering.com are just a small sample of the online journals that echo that trials made by subjecting the container to different transport – road, maritime along the coast and the Atlantic Ocean and rail – validate that spent fuel maintains safety during normal transport conditions.

Ensa participated in the Nuclear Industry China held in Beijing

Equipos Nucleares S.A., S.M.E participated in the Nuclear Industry China held recently in Beijing along with other Spanish nuclear companies, coordinated by the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum.

The participation in the NIC fair has been an opportunity to enhance Ensa products and establish and strengthen contacts with other companies in the Chinese nuclear sector.

The Cantabrian company attended the fair with the Spanish Nuclear Group for Cooperation ;  a consortium created for the commercial promotion of products and services in the Chinese nuclear market.

Ensa successfully completed the first welds of the PS4 ITER project

Equipos Nucleares S.A., S.M.E   successfully completed the first welds of a series of components of the ITER that are currently being manufactured.

All of this has been possible thanks to the preparation work developed by the welding team. Such welds have been designed and developed in the CTA , as well as the tests  and the qualifications carried out to the personnel who will work on the final components.

The high qualification and experience of all the manufacturing personnel have been reflected in the quality of their welds that have shown excellent results in the non-destructive testing phase, by achieving  «0» defects and in a project of high technological difficulty.