On July 9 starts a new edition of «Nuclear Engineering» course, organized by CINC and Nuclear Forum UC-Empresa
Among others, companies that participate are Ensa, Enwesa, Enresa, Nuclenor, CTC and Jóvenes Nucleares,
Maliaño, July 5, 2018.- The Cluster of the Nuclear Industry of Cantabria and UC-Company Forum organize a new edition of the summer course «Nuclear Engineering» to be held from 9th to 13th July in the main hall of the Law Faculty of the Cantabria University .
In this edition, new topics will be addressed related to the emerging sector of fusion technology and will be discussed the scientific and technological needs that its development demands. Also, technical aspects of activities related to the storage of spent fuel and individualized and centralized temporary warehouses will also be introduced.
The main goal of this course is to spread the know-how of the industry.
The course has the participation of Equipos Nucleares SA, SME , Enwesa Operaciones SA, SME, Enresa, Nuclenor, Technological Center of Components , Jóvenes Nucleares, Computer Consulting Cantabria , INGECID and Environmental Measures SL, and is under the direction of Ángel Mañanes and Sergio Cicero, professors of the UC.
More information on the web: www.cursosdeveranoydeextensionuc.es