
Ensa delivered successfully three steam generators and one reactor vessel cover head for Beaver Valley’s plant in Pennsylvania

Maliaño, 3rd August.- Three steam generators and one reactor vessel cover head for Beaver Valley’s plant in Pennsylvania, USA, were reached his destination and were delivered in the plant of storage on 24th July.

The Cantabrian Company studied and prepared the maritime transport as the terrestrial inside the plant; it was invested almost half year and that has served to assure that the pieces should come in mint condition. The project was concluding successfully.

High degree of satisfaction

The clients, FENOC and Westinghouse, indicate to Ensa “his high degree of satisfaction with the final product. They emphasized that Maliaño’s company “has been capable of doing the things well to the first one from the beginning up to the end «.

The Ensa responsible of the project indicated that «the delivery has been realized expiring, once again, with the high levels of excellence that from Ensa we demand from ourselves in all our works, but it would have been difficult to culminate this one without a work well done totally in equipment», they concluded.

Ensa obtains a new patent!

Maliaño, 13rd June.- The Spanish Office of Patents and Brands has granted the patent to the design and development of the “Tool to move nuclear spent fuel inside the cells of a swimming pool of storage «.

The tool allows the access to the elements of fuel that are out of reach for the vertical hook of 2º crane, allowing the operations of hooked and unhooked elements of spent fuel, independently of the position that that this one occupies in the swimming pool of storage.

Pioneers in whole Europe for justified calibration for welding machines!

Maliaño, 1st June.- Ensa has received from ENAC the recognition according to ISO 17025 that he accredits to Metrology’s Electrical Laboratory, located in Ensa’s Advanced Technological Center, the calibration of power of welding machines sources.

Thanks to the technical efforts of the Metrology’s Laboratory team, a pioneering accreditation has been obtained in Spain and in the whole of Europe.

Ensa participates in the 1st collaboration meeting ITER project in Korea

Maliaño, 21st April.- Because of the realization of the collaboration meeting of all the participants of the “Vacuum Vessel” construction project of ITER, which was celebrated in early April in South Korea , Ensa was invited to be responsible of the vacuum vessel. In addition there was the opportunity to visit the facilities of K-Start, which is one of the last fusion reactors launched in magnetic confinement, and the installations of Hyundai Heavy Industries, of which they fabricate 2 of the 9 sectors.

This has been the first meeting that has managed to contact with all the involved parts, ITER Organization, the national agencies and the subcontractors, with the main objective that the information will be more fluid and shared between all the parts.

One of the tanks supplied by Ensa for the tritiated water system is the first component installed in Tokamak of the ITER

Maliaño, 13rd April.- One of the tanks for the tritiated water system designed and made by Ensa, was the first component installed in the Tokamak complex. The tank was introduced in the Tritio building last March; it was an important installation for the detritiation process of the ITER facilities.

The ITER complex, one of the most important platforms of civil engineering in Europe, had received on March 2015 the first of six big tanks of steel awarded to Ensa by F4E.  Both the design and the manufacture, performed by Ensa, meet the demanding safety qualifications that are applied for the ITER components.

Ensa experts visit the facilities of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant

Recently, experts of Ensa in loading and unloading of spent fuel casks visited the Daya Bay plant to prepare the training operation and maintenance of the ENUN 24P cask and its auxiliary equipment, all of which has been designed and supplied by Ensa.

During the visit meetings were held with URC, DNMC and CNOC to fully understand the needs and requirements and to prepare training content tailored to their needs. The ENUN 24P cask is one of the ENUN cask series designed by Ensa for the transport and storage of high burnup spent fuel, and it is currently in the process of licensing in Spain and China.

The meetings were very effective and constructive and URC, CNOC and DNMC appreciated the efforts made by Ensa and were very satisfied with the presentations and explanations of the Ensa technical experts.

Maliaño, 24th June.



Ensa participates in the 20th edition of the PBNC and 14th edition of the NIC Conferences in 2016

From 5th to 9th April, Ensa has participated in the 20th edition of the Conference PBNC 2016 and 14th edition of the 2016 NIC conference, held in parallel in Beijing. Through this participation, representatives of Ensa exchanged with Chinese nuclear organizations their views on the future development of nuclear energy in China and the world, and discussed ways of support and collaboration with the Chinese nuclear industry, with whom Ensa has been cooperating since more than 20 years.

José María Zubimendi, Director of Nuclear Business of Ensa, participated along with representatives of Westinghouse, Areva NP, Idaho National Laboratory and CNEC in the Panel of Nuclear Power Plant Construction and manufacturing of components.

In his presentation, José María Zubimendi stressed the importance of the advancement of manufacturing technology and international collaboration for the development of the new generation of nuclear reactors in order to improve the safety of nuclear energy as well as its economic viability, suggesting that designers of new reactors should work closely with experienced manufacturers to develop designs that are technologically safe and economically competitive.

Maliaño, 16th June.