We listen to our stakeholders, both internal and external, and meet their needs and expectations, maintaining a principle of transparency of relevant information on safety, health and environmental matters and promoting communication processes with interested parties.
We consider it essential to consult and actively participate our employees and their representatives in the safety, health and environmental culture of the organisation. We therefore encourage awareness of these aspects among all staff, training and motivating them to carry out their activities in a responsible way with regard to safety, health and the environment.
Equally important is the promotion of these commitments by the external companies contracted to perform work for Ensa, demanding an improvement of their practices so that they are in line with those of Ensa in the areas of safety, health and the environment.
All the principles of this policy are taken into account in the design and performance of our processes and activities, which are always carried out taking into account the health and safety of workers, the efficient use of energy and raw materials and applying measures that prevent the generation of waste and favour its recycling and recovery.