Responsibility with people’s health and safety

To ensure our workers’ health and safety is an essential responsibility for Ensa. It is a complex task that requires the coordination and participation of all those who are part of the company, our customers and other companies that we work with.

We wish to continue improving safety in our work. For this reason, we have certified our system under an international standard, the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSAS 18001). We control and manage in an integral way the occupational health and safety of our staff, constantly training them and conducting emergency drills.

The safety and health of those around us, those who work with us and our own is an essential aspect.

Safety, Health and Environment Policy

Ensa is a company dedicated to the manufacture of equipment and the provision of services for the civil nuclear industry. Our activity contributes to the fight against climate change, helping to generate carbon-free energy.

In the performance of its business, Ensa is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injuries and deterioration of health, environmental protection and pollution prevention.

For this reason , Ensa has set up an Integrated Management System in its organisation that includes occupational health and safety and environmental management, committing itself to eliminating hazards and reducing risks and to protecting the ecosystems and biodiversity of our surroundings. This commitment is translated into the maintenance and continuous improvement of the integrated management system, as well as the establishment of an annual programme of objectives in these areas, always seeking to improve our safety, health and environmental performance and maintaining the commitment to comply with the applicable legal requirements, as well as other requirements that are subscribed to voluntarily.

We listen to our stakeholders, both internal and external, and meet their needs and expectations, maintaining a principle of transparency of relevant information on safety, health and environmental matters and promoting communication processes with interested parties.

We consider it essential to consult and actively participate our employees and their representatives in the safety, health and environmental culture of the organisation. We therefore encourage awareness of these aspects among all staff, training and motivating them to carry out their activities in a responsible way with regard to safety, health and the environment.

Equally important is the promotion of these commitments by the external companies contracted to perform work for Ensa, demanding an improvement of their practices so that they are in line with those of Ensa in the areas of safety, health and the environment.

All the principles of this policy are taken into account in the design and performance of our processes and activities, which are always carried out taking into account the health and safety of workers, the efficient use of energy and raw materials and applying measures that prevent the generation of waste and favour its recycling and recovery.

  • The Direction understands that all Ensa staff, contracted companies and visitors, have the right to work in optimum Safety and Health conditions. Therefore, they have introduced an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, based on preventive action, that builds the reference framework with which to establish and review the occupational safety and health aims.

  • All operators are responsible for their own health and safety and they should also contribute to the health and safety of their workmates. Ensa understands that accomplishing and enforcing this policy is the responsibility of everybody staying at our facilities.

  • The Direction at Ensa will provide all the necessary means (technical, economical and human) to reduce the work accident rate, as much as possible, and to accomplish, with the applicable legal requirements and any other requirements that the Company voluntarily subscribes respect to Occupational Health and Safety.

  • Being the staff at ENSA, the contracted companies and visitors, “Object and Subject” of the occupational health and safety, the Management shares and directs everything that favors the prevention of damage and personal deterioration of health, for the continuous improvement and performance of the administration of Work Health and Safety.

  • The Direction understands that the most efficient way to achieve an excellence in the Occupational Health and Safety Management is through the cooperation of all the workers at the company, and thus is committed to take on the necessary actions to encourage cooperation and participation in all the workers. Therefore they will promote a preventive culture orientated to the occupational health and safety, based on the workers’ education / information and awareness.


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