Goal 10
We collaborate in social programs and solidarity projects to help reduce any kind of inequality.
Hiring of accessory services of the company with Special Centers of Employment (care of gardens, laundry, etc.).
Collecting blood in our facilities in collaboration with the Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Cantabria.
Campaign for the collection and subsequent recycling of plastic caps whose economic value is destined to a social cause.
In relation to the system for donating discarded material so that it can be reused by centres for social purposes.
We have continued to raise awareness among the staff on current social issues, publishing these campaigns on the screens: “A good gesture for Christmas” to raise awareness about the donation of toys and/or clothes through the “Princesa Letizia” collection centre to help the most disadvantaged and the “Family Day for a good cause” organised by the University of the Atlantic consisting of an event to benefit the NGO “Cantabria Acoge” which helps people at risk of social exclusion, as well as the food collections organised by the Food Bank of Cantabria.