Quality, reliability and security in processes and equipment are essential in the nuclear sector. Therefore, our quality system fulfils all the requirements that the norms, standards and international regulations require, such as the international code ASME Section III-NCA, the North American regulations 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and 10 CFR 21, the European norm ISO-EN-IEC-17025:2015 and the Chinese regulation HAF 604. Ensa, already in possession of accreditations ASME N, NPT, NA, NS and N3, also has the ISO-9001:2015 certification and follows the criteria established by the French code RCC-M A5200. As regards environmental issues, Ensa has the ISO-14001:2015 certification.

The Quality Assurance Department is responsible for defining and establishing the quality system in relation with the company’s mission and objectives. This Department has three units: System Quality Assurance, Reliability and Quality Improvement and Product Warranty. All of them are actively involved in the activities of the company. They check the offers and contracts, the specifications for buying base and welding materials and the specifications for non destructive tests and dimensional control. The department’s supervision, training and control of processes reinforce the culture of compliance with procedures. They also perform studies for establishing corrective and preventive actions.

The participation of this Department in the purchasing of supplies to the company is essential, because it must check the supplier’s qualifications systems, monitor and approve purchase documentation and supplier’s documentation. It also supervises the facilities of our subcontractors, coordinates the material tests that must be carried out in our laboratories when necessary and, finally, it is responsible for the inspections and acceptance of materials and services to be used in the manufacture of our components.

During the manufacture of our components, the Quality Assurance Department runs all the tests established by highly qualified personnel in our inspection plans. The associated reports and documentation are reviewed and approved. The equipment used for the inspections and tests is calibrated thanks to our accredited laboratories. The identification and management of no-conformities, the final review of all documentation associated with the manufacture of components and the progressive development of the manufacturing final report to be delivered together with the components, are also activities performed by this Department.

The Quality Assurance Department manages the quality manual and the general procedures of the company. This Department takes care of the quality and qualification training about Ensa’s staff. Moreover, this Department plans and carries out internal audits and manages corrective actions.

Our quality system is controlled via audits, meetings and periodical reports and, lastly, is evaluated with indicators. Apart from that, our quality system is audited by our clients, regulatory bodies and independent institutions.


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