Fuel Management
Ensa actively participates in the nuclear power plants’ fuel management. The company has wide experience in manufacturing racks for fresh and spent fuel, to store it in pools or rasks for transport and dry storage.
Ensa offers an integral service for both racks and casks including the design, licensing, definition of materials, manufacturing, testing, installation and operation.
Ensa is a multisystem supplier of nuclear components and has proprietary designs for metal rasks with double purpose (storage and transport) and racks (region II for BWR and PWR fuel).
In line with its policy of continuous improvement and technological innovation, Ensa carries out R&D projects in order to improve their products and develop new products to be ready for the future market needs, including the Spanish Centralized Temporary Storage project (ATC) of upcoming construction.
Ensa has extensive experience in the field of fresh and used fuel rasks. Since 1985 Ensa has supplied rasks of multiple technologies, including own designs, providing a comprehensive service to its customers from conceptual design to operation and loading in plant.
Ensa has supplied fuel casks t
Ensa’s own designs, of the dua
Since 1986, Ensa has been providing racks from numerous technologies, including proprietary designs, and offers global services to its customers from conceptual design to installation and spent fuel management.
Ensa’s advantageous design Interlock Cell © Matrix for region II of the fuel pool, valid for PWR and BWR reactors, is based on a simple and compact construction using modern manufacturing technologies (laser cutting) and with a minimum pitch that optimizes the pools’ capacity.
The material primarily used is borated steel, widely used and with numerous positive references, and commonly accepted in Europe. This material is very suitable for wet storage in pools and has metallographic properties equivalent to SS 304. This design is licensed in US and already in operation in Finnish, Chinese and Spanish nuclear power plants.
The fuel racks supplied by Ensa (more than 37,000 cells in total) operate reliably and safely in 29 pools at 22 nuclear power plants in countries such as Spain, Taiwan, Germany, South Korea, Finland, France, China, United Kingdom and South Africa. Ensa has also performed of re-racking (replacing the original racks of the pool with new ones) in 19 fuel pools at 14 plants.
Ensa, through its Business Development Department, and its subsidiary Enwesa provide an integral service in the field of fuel management as a complement to the design, licensing and manufacturing of casks and racks, participating in the entire life cycle of the fuel. Among other activities, we have the personnel.